[Glastonbury] new website

Sean Miller sean at seanmiller.net
Fri Feb 25 07:07:41 GMT 2005

Martin Wheeler wrote:

> Hey, way k00l!
> What happened to the buckyball logo, but?
> I rather like that.

I played around last Sunday with trying to integrate it into the theme, 
but failed miserably... I really need to buy myself a book on the 
GIMP... there's so much to it, and I feel I've hardly scratched the surface!

Once I've re-uploaded all the documents (eg. posters) it will be there 
on those though... as I said the site is "work in progress", and it's 
only because the old died that I switched over; otherwise it would have 
been over the weekend.... but, having said that it's probably a good 
thing as the new design is (I feel) rather more visually pleasing all 
said and what is already there is enough to tell visitors about the 
group and (perhaps) encourage them to come!

We may be having a visit from a new member next week, a fellow called 
Henry Bennett from Butleigh who works for Hewlett Packard and expressed 
an interest on the IM last night... so we'll see...


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