[Glastonbury] agenda for next meeting

Martin Wheeler mwheeler at startext.co.uk
Fri Feb 25 17:30:22 GMT 2005

All of a sudden Wi-Fi has become the hottest topic of the day here in 
(There must be an election in the offing or something.)

So could all linux-folks with wifi experience turn up with anecdotes, 
knowhow, horror stories, fixes -- whatever, at next week's meeting, and 
we'll swap a few tales, tips and hints.  Could be fun.

[Hey Steve -- this could be a good time to hit the authorities with a 
request for a subsidised wireless network for the school -- seems like 
they're hot on it at the moment, and ready to look at new techno-toys to 
play with.  Just a thought.]

Martin Wheeler   -   StarTEXT / AVALONIX - Glastonbury - BA6 9PH - England
mwheeler at startext.co.uk                http://www.startext.co.uk/mwheeler/
GPG pub key : 01269BEB  6CAD BFFB DB11 653E B1B7 C62B  AC93 0ED8 0126 9BEB
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