[Gllug] perl querying SQL server 7

Jim Bailey jim at lateral.net
Thu Aug 23 08:52:35 UTC 2001

On Wednesday, August 22, 2001, at 04:47 PM, Bruce Richardson wrote:

> An alternative to an ODBC interface and one that that would let you do
> more intelligent variations of that scam is ODBCSocketServer
> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/odbc/).  You run the SocketServer on 
> the
> SQL Server box and communicate with it in XML over IP.  So all you need
> to be able to do is parse XML.
A good solution apparently but the clients SA is a MC$E and after just 
spending 20 hours hardening his box  (ooh errrr ;-)) he will not allow 
us to use anything on it but official M$ products they are secure you 
see ;-P

We are just too busy and too tired to start educating the ignorant :-|

Many thanks Jim

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