[Gllug] How do they manage it? (IT recruitment agencies)

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Mon Aug 13 11:30:04 UTC 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Murray Peterson [mailto:murray at orcas.net]
> Fair enough.  Although we have forgotten to consider market 
> forces and the
> concept of fashion.  Vehicles that do not rust and can manage 100,000
> miles between services may exist - and commercially viable 
> too, but can
> you honestly tell me that you would want to buy a 1979 Audi? 
> (or a 1999
> Audi in 2021?)

I like classic cars and the only reason I do not have one is due to the lack
of reliability and the cost to replace parts when the inevitable happens. If
they where reliable I think more people would have an e type jag than a new
renault laguna.

> Now, just to make this an on-topic posting...  COBOL!  'nuff said :)
  Yes, I agree, COBOL, but do not forget FORTRAN!        'Yeah me too 

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