[Gllug] Whinge

Xander D Harkness xander at harkness.co.uk
Fri Aug 31 11:35:31 UTC 2001

>>>are you looking to start another flame war?
>>>do you have a problem with women?
>>This is a bit severe, isn't it?
>>Like it or not, the predominance of 'booth babes' does suggest that
>>attractive young ladies are a powerful weapon in selling software.
>I'd say its a statement that we live in a sexist society.  and so long as
>attitudes like this are predominant and computing will remain a primarily
>male vocation.
I view this slightly differently.

In Belgium they have to run two series of adverts for each half of the 
society (not male and female but french and flemmish).  The situation is 
such that people, even newbies get flamed for using French on the 
Belgian LUG.

It is true that there are a larger proportion of males in computing (a 
great shame that it is not even).  Associating attractive women with any 
product seems to entice ment to purchase said product.  If we had an 
equal balance I am sure that we would see advertising targeted towards 
males and females separately (just as we see with cars at present).


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