[Gllug] OT: Just probing the job market in London

Stig Brautaset stigbrau at online.no
Wed Aug 22 01:26:49 UTC 2001

* Chris Bell <chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk> spake thus:
> On Mon 20 Aug, john.hearns at framestore.co.uk wrote:
> > But what happened to all the promise of technology we were told 
> > about a few years ago?
> > Why aren't we all working in lovely cottages in small villages in the
> > highlands and islands and just remote logging in to work?
> > 
>    There was an email a while ago from someone in the west country who
> managed to get BT to agree to run a new line direct to him at the normal
> price before they realised that the route crossed two rivers and at least
> one major road.

Heh, the Norwegian telecom company (Telenor) has a fixed fee, regardless
of where you live. I know there was a guy who lived quite remotely and
was given his own radiolink :)

Regards, Stig

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