[Gllug] Problem starting up

Simon Bunker simon at rendermania.com
Tue Aug 7 01:31:15 UTC 2001

Hi all

Ok I think I've just made a small mistake - hopefully one that can be solved
the Linux way - ie not reinstalling the Operating system. I needed to change
the name of my computer for some software that needs a host for its license,
so I thought this would be fairly simple - changed it in linuxconf...and
then something else told me to change it in /etc/hosts which I did.

However it looks like there are a few other things I should have done. At
the moment it halts at starting up the sendmail daemon just after the lpd
daemon (which is no problem if that doesn't start - hardly as critical).

Is there any way around this? Is there some way of dropping to a lower init
level so these things don't get started and I can get back in? And what do I
need to change to get things working again. I haven't really messed around
with these sorts of things so it should be an interesting learning

Any pointers on where to start and get back going again? Luckily it is on
seperate partitions so I could reinstall if I absolutely had to - but I
would obviously prefer not too.


UIN 11123737

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