[Gllug] email addresses for virtual hosts

Matthew King matthew.king at adamandeve.it
Mon Dec 3 15:36:44 UTC 2001

For each email address create a seperate user account with username ==
login, then using the file /etc/postfix/virtual map each email address to
the username. The format is something like this (off the top of my head)

paul at foo.com     un1
bill at foo.com     un2
paul at bar.org     un342
someotherguy at bar.org   un343


A catch all account (ie. something not listed in the virtual file) either
begins the line with *@domain or just @domain. I forget which.

It is handled entirely by the MTA, just point the MX record to the computer
hosting said MTA. Email ignores (essentially) the IP address.

If you have 100s of accounts that use the username part of the email address
(ie. paul, bill, etc.) you're going to have fun convincing them to go to
something else.

Of course it's possible to have the username include the domain (ie. instead
of some cryptic number, the username itself is paul at foo.com). I am not sure
how postfix handles this.

You may need to change the main postfix config file to read the virtual file
(well actually it reads a virtual.db file which is created from the virtual
file. The instructions for creating this are in the 'virtual' manpage)


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K++  w--- O-- M+ V? PS+>++ PE(--) Y+>++ PGP+++@ t+ 5-- X+(-) R tv-
b++>++++ DI++++ D++ G++ e(*) h!>++ r-- y->++++

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