[Gllug] Linux To MS Networking

Pete Ryland pdr at pdr.cx
Wed Dec 5 18:17:57 UTC 2001

Don't know about Suse, but under debian, I have a file called
/etc/network/interfaces which contains the following lines for setting up my
eth0 interface under dhcp:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

This is used by the ifup program but may be distro-specific.


On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 04:48:33PM +0000, James.Rocks at equant.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just built a stable linux config (& resolved my mice problems) and
> need more help :-)
> I currently run an NT (or rather Win2K) domain at home and would like some
> relatively easy to understand advice (bearing in mind I'm not yet
> particularly linux literate) on networking.
> There are two parts to this.
> Basic linux networking ... my Win2K server ios currently running as a DHCP
> server yet my Linux box is not picking up an address ... I could hard code
> an IP address in but would rather not.. Is there anything else I shoud be
> doing (on the server or the linux workstation) that can make this work. It
> works fine with MS clients (Win & DOS) so I assume the changes needed are
> on the linux box and, at present, I have no idea how to proceed.
> Secondly how do I map read/write shares to my domain controller. Someone
> suggested Samba as a solution which I plan to investigate and I have found
> a couple of web-sites that offer utilities that do this ... haven't tried
> them yet.
> There's one other thing I'd like to ask (and I'm guessing no matter which
> way I ask it some will take umbrage so I might as well go for it) ...
> PLEASE if you plan to suggest something along the lines of getting rid of
> NT/2K then don't ... I really would appreciate helpful advice not
> evangelism :-)
> Thanks
> James
> -- 
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