[Gllug] Linux To MS Networking

Pete Ryland pdr at pdr.cx
Sat Dec 8 15:08:54 UTC 2001

On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 10:00:47AM +0000, James.Rocks at equant.com wrote:
> > There are loads of alternatives, including the free (as in free beer)
> > Amanda.
> OK ... is that a suggestion for a drink at some point with some of you
> guys? If so I'm right up for that (after the hubbub of Christmas has dies
> down and I know enough to pronounce Linux properly [G]) ... beer is good,
> beer is foamy :-)

I think he was trying to distinguish between the two definitions of free.
In the words of RMS (Richard Stallman, of GNU) there's free as in free
speech, and then there's free as in free beer.  The FSF (Free Software
Foundation) is all about free software of the free speech variety, i.e.
freely distribute and modify.  You can still charge money for a cd of free
software.  However, some software is "closed source" (opposite of open
source, a term coigned by Eric Raymond I think, of OSI) but cost free as in
free beer.  Although, I was under the impression that amanda was indeed free
(as in speech).

All that (hopefully) clarified, I think most on this list enjoy a get
together for a beer on occasion, and I'm sure you'd be welcome. (there was,
in fact, a Lonix "meeting" (i.e. piss-up) this week)

> I am currently testing Linux both at work (where they already use some
> Linux & UNIX) and at home where I was solely MS based. I guess at home it
> is (unless MS gets split into separate OS, application & games companies or
> Linux becomes a shed-load more user friendly and widespread) unlikely that
> I'll ever get rid of MS completely because it is the premier platform for
> computer games (not consoles) and my kids would kill me :-)

You'd be suprised how many games are available for linux.  One company that
works with game developers to release linux versions of their games is Loki.
A list of what games they offer is at http://www.lokigames.com/products/ and
includes games like Postal, Unreal Tournament, Tribes 2 and Sid Meier's
stuff. (no, I am not affiliated with them, just pointing them out!)

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