[Gllug] Linux Roadshow

John Hearns john.hearns at framestore.co.uk
Fri Dec 7 11:11:54 UTC 2001

Yes folks, I'm always good with the ideas.
And don't find the time to follow through.

On the list over the last few weeks we've had several
people who are introducing or trialling Linux on the
desktop at their worksplaces.
Wulf was looking for help with kiosks at a hospital,
Harry is demoing Linux to his colleagues,
James at Equant is configuring up a machine.
Daniel Fairs is asking for advice on setting up a group
of Linux desktops.

I think this is telling us something is about to happen -
Linux on the desktop.

Why don't we do something positive to help?

My idea would be to set up a decent laptop, and maybe a
desktop machine too. Decent specs, well known brands.
We configure them as Linux workstations for office use-
with KDE/Koffice, Evolution, etc. etc.

If we get people who can find the time, we offer to go
in to companies to
do a few hours demo of what Linux can do, and how it would
fit into your existing network.
Even better use Kpresenter to show some slides!

It may be that it makes it easier for those people within
comanies who are pushing Linux - they just aren't a lone voice,
but they can say 'Hey - I can arrange a demo 
I sometimes feel businesses are more liable to listen to someone
from outside, on a formal presentation, rather than someone internal.

Roger from SuSE is welcoem to speak up at this point!

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