[Gllug] Like vnc, only text

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Mon Dec 17 10:47:27 UTC 2001

On Sun 16 Dec, Alex Hudson made the following spurious claims:

> Is there any kind of tool like vnc for consoles? I basically want
> remote, programmatic access to a tty on a server. I could log in
> remotely, but that's not quite what I'm after - something's running on a
> virtual terminal, and I want to poke my nose in from time to time and
> possibly issue keystrokes.

This is a very odd request since I presume you know all about the
classic telnet (which is as insecure as bog-standard VNC) and the
safer ssh?

If what you want to be able to do is have open tty sessions and
reconnect to them, what you're after is screen.  As well as allowing
for the Alt-Fx functionality you get on the Linux console it also
allows you to reconnect to open sessions.  Lots of people on IRC use
it and it would probably also be useful for things like the Linux
Kazaa client if you want remote access.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>

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