[Gllug] [OT] while we're flaming anyway.. (was: Erratic Mouse Behaviour)

James.Rocks at equant.com James.Rocks at equant.com
Sun Dec 9 20:49:39 UTC 2001


> That is not a good way of making friends. People are much less reluctant
> to help you out with problems if they don't get verbally abused for
> pointing out the mistakes you have done.

With respect you seem not to have noticed that Nix's message was critical
of me when the issue HAD been fully resolved ... that, & that alone, was
the reason I reacted to him the way I did. I am not ashamed of this and
will undoubtedly react similarly to anyone else who is similarly
"high-handed" in the future.

I am also terribly sorry if I misled anyone here ... I am a pretty damned
good MS techie who came here with a relatively open-mind and a sincere wish
to find out as much as possible about Linux (believe me I DO want to learn
about Linux and I DO plan to use it as my primary OS if I can bend it to
the various tasks I typically pursue). Despite the fact that it is not the
most popular viewpoint in such a forum I happen consider MS operating
systems good and think that MS is a pretty good company & Bill Gates
nowhere near the evil world dominating son-of-Satan some people seem to
believe him to be. Having dealt with Mac & Linux evangelists in the past
(as well as idiot religious zealots) I am well aware of the kinds of people
I might encounter in this group (though I had hoped I might not) and it
seems I was right. That does not (then or now) make me any more willing to
put up with such stupidity ... there is no such thing as the perfect OS, it
isn't MS, it isn't Mac and it certainly isn't Linux and I say that last
with confidence because I actually do believe that in some respects Linux
IS a superior OS to anything MS has yet to offer.

I did not come here (join this list) to make friends (I have friends
already) but to get helpful advice about Linux. A number of people have
been extremely helpful and to them I am grateful but I am getting the
distinct impression that I will soon be unsubscribing :-)

> Also, please tell your mailclient to include a references and/or a
> -To header so that your posts does not break threading. Surely
> even Lotus Notes should be able to do that?

I'll ask a colleague sure ... I have made something of a career out of
trying to avoid knowing anything about Lotus notes :-)


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