[Gllug] Auto-Reconnecting Shares (further clarification)

James.Rocks at equant.com James.Rocks at equant.com
Thu Dec 13 16:10:12 UTC 2001


Thanks for the advice everyone ... one slight problem, namely that it
baffles the shyte outta me :-)

I've tried looking in the SuSE help pages (search doesn't seem to do
anything) and I've tried typing "man fstab" at a terminal session and that
is just bewildering. I appreciate that I'm a techie but there was a time (I
swear it's true) when technical documents made some sort of sense (hell I
even tried "man man" to figure out how to get out of man and discovered by
pure accident that hitting the 'Q' key does this).

OK ... can someone explain (from basics) how you do this fstab thing ... I
have a share on a Win2K server that I can mount using the command line:

smbmount //darla-2000/transfer$ /mnt/trans ?o username=undead, password

The program then connects.

How does the above translate into a line in fstab?

Also, whilst we're at it, what kind of line would I need to adds to connect
a printer? Darla-2000 has two printers shared as "eplaser" & "epcolour".

Any help, as always, gratefully received :-)


James C. Rocks,
Technical Development Consultant
Archway House,
Canary Wharf.
E-Mail:    james.rocks at equant.com (work)
Phone:   07771-767405 (mobile), 0207-5226856 (work)

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