[Gllug] Databases - NOT Linux specific

Dean dean.wilson3 at virgin.net
Wed Jul 11 15:05:38 UTC 2001

On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 12:21:04AM +0100, Bruce Richardson wrote:
> > Found out that I have to do some database training for the new job - going
> > to be Oracle stuff and DB2. I have never ever done anything on Databases
> > b4 - where do I start?
> Small.

Best book I've found for this is:
Name: Database design for mere mortals
Author: Michael J. Hernandez 
ISBN: 0201694719

This covers all the basic and essential issues of designing databases, its
an easy read and my copy has been loaned out to a lot of co-workers.

"Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming" is a good book for
once you get past the basic SQL phase, its getting harder to track a copy
down (PCBookshop have a couple of copies at the mo) buts its a rewarding if
difficult read.

As for the ORA Oracle books I've never had to read them (Yet) but you might
want to join Safari (http://safari2.oreilly.com) which is a sort of virtual
library where you can check out and read books for a time and swap them
with other titles each month. I subbed a little while ago and its handy to
have it at work. It might be a bit cheaper than buying a selection of real

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   --- Anon

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