[Gllug] News INNd

Bruce Richardson brichardson at lineone.net
Fri Jul 6 12:15:03 UTC 2001

On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 12:04:19PM +0200, Xander D Harkness wrote:
> Hey to all , it was good to meet many at Linux Expo 2001
> I have seven hours to implement a news server from scratch.  (Well I
> have the box up and running!!)
> I have looked all through the docs and there is a lot about running your
> own news groups.  They do not seem to mention taking feed from an
> upstream provider.

If all you want to do is serve existing ngs to your users, get Leafnode.
It's a news proxy.  It only fetches messages from the groups your users
choose to read from and stops fetching when people stop reading a group
(time parameters configurable).

It's very simple to set up - you won't need seven hours.


Those who cast the votes decide nothing.  Those who count the
votes decide everything. -- Joseph Stalin
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