[Gllug] Laser printer, false economy

Rich Walker rw at shadow.local
Wed Jul 18 17:16:30 UTC 2001

In message <87lmlnf9nb.fsf at arwen.fsnet.co.uk>
          Stig Brautaset <stig at brautaset.org> wrote:

> "John Southall" <john at sthll.freeserve.co.uk> writes:
> > Thank you for the replies, they are helpfull.
> > Who else apart from Lexmark supply Linux drivers for their current models?
> > 
> > I had forgotten my dream of printing art work for "printed circuit boards"
> > of the hobby variety.  This requires fine graphic lines.
> > I was saved from making a perhaps inappropriate purchase by Waterstones.
> > They expertly lanced my wallet, just in the nick of time.
> > I will post to an electronics news groups and ask which and what people find
> > works best.
> A friend of mine uses a laser printer to print the circuit board
> layout on a thin paper that he then use between the actual circuit
> board and the uv-lamp. I can enquire him if you want. His last project
> was a robot frontend or something (for an engeneering-school, so the
> students there had something to interface on when making control-
> circuitry). Funny thing is that this was for the third year, while he
> is still in the first :p

You need a *real* 1200dpi laserprinter to do this. *DO* *NOT* buy a
1200-dpi "class" printer. We use an HP Laserjet 2100, but considered
the 1200 dpi Kyocera (which works out cheaper around the 40000 sheet
mark...) Drivers: ATM the printer is attached to a win-box that
exports it over SAMBA. However, looking at ghostscript and LPRng, I
don't think driving an HP directly is a problem if it's a laser.


> Cheers, Stig

Rich Walker: rw at shadow.org.uk (Shadow Robot Project)
http://www.shadow.org.uk        251 Liverpool Road
+44(0)171 700 2487                London  N1 1LX
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