[Gllug] PHP Again

Bruce Richardson brichardson at lineone.net
Tue Jul 24 21:18:37 UTC 2001

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 02:31:21PM +0100, Jackson, Harry wrote:
> Hi all 
> 	I am, again, struggling with php. I am trying to provide a facility
> where people can upload files onto my machine from a browser but I am unable
> to get it to work. I have had a look through the manual and so far have had
> little joy. 
> track_vars is on
> my tmp download directory is set up.
> In the book it says that I can use $userfile in my code and this will be OK

Not if register_globals is off (as it should be, really).  If it's off,
you always have to go to the array.


I see a mouse.  Where?  There, on the stair.  And its clumsy wooden
footwear makes it easy to trap and kill.  -- Harry Hill
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