[Gllug] btinternet

Jim Kempton jim at kempton.screaming.net
Tue Jul 24 22:19:09 UTC 2001


Been using Freeserve anytime on my BT line for about 4 weeks.  I use a 
Smoothwall box as router/gateway and 3 other boxes running Mandrake 8 and 
Dozes 98 + 2000 and have not experienced any problems at all.

Hope that helps.



On Saturday 21 July 2001 14:28, you wrote:
> At 10:34 +0100 2001-07-21, George wrote:
> >Hey Gordon,
> >
> >I am willing to change toreserve, and i *want* to, but I need to know that
> >freeserver anytime works on my system, is there anyway i can try out an
> >account ?
> Freeserve Anytime is tied to a single BT line (using CLI).
> My account only works from my BT phone (at home).
> I have two lines, one form modem, one for voice (and VOD via ADSL:-)
> Gordo.

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