[Gllug] Website developement

Dean S Wilson dean.wilson3 at virgin.net
Sun Jul 15 16:17:28 UTC 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Freeman" <freemadi at yahoo.co.uk>

> > For small projects, if anyone has dynamic pages,
> > HTML::Template

SQL, programming languages, editors, next up lets debate templating
systems and maybe then do some Mac bashing ;)

> PERL!!! NO!

> Why is it everyone thinks perl is so great? its a write only
Bah humbug.

> Horibble! Give me C or Java or LISP any day!
I've never understood the fascination with LISP, does anyone actually
use it in a commercial environment on a day to day basis? Or do we
just have a bunch of emac config file fanatics :)

At least you didn't mention C++...

Profanity is the one language all programmers understand.
   ---  Anon

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