[Gllug] A programming question. long.

Tom Gilbert tom at linuxbrit.co.uk
Tue Jul 10 06:58:48 UTC 2001

* Bruce Richardson (brichardson at lineone.net) wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 07:19:39PM +0100, Tom Gilbert wrote:
> > However, taking it as read that it makes more sense to put your business
> > logic in one place, I always avoid putting it in a datastore - whatever
> > inbuilt functionality your store gives you, it will never be enough for
> > any reasonably complicated problem set IMO.
> Pragmatism always wins over theory - what's achievable is ususally the
> deciding factor.  But sometimes it's a question of data ownership and/or
> security.  If you, the application coder, don't own the data and can't
> guarantee to be the only route to it then the database developer simply
> can't leave authentification and data integrity in your hands.
> I maintain a set of data where I am not the only person writing
> applications to access it.  I do web applications but my colleagues
> write VB or Access front-ends.  Users may be on our internal network or
> dialling in, using a web app or running a VB front-end in a terminal
> services session.  (This isn't as chaotic as it sounds: each application
> has it's own core data but some datasets must be accessible to all,
> while the range of different application types is dictated by the
> widely-differing technical situations of our users).
> Given that, authentification and core business rules absolutely have to
> be in the database.

Obviously? I'd rewrite that last sentence as
"Given that, authentification and core business rules absolutely have to
be in a third tier.

Like I said, with all that going on, maintaining business logic in a
database is pretty yucky - most people would write a logic-handling
gobetween for such a situation.

Mmmmm. Middleware.

   .^.    .-------------------------------------------------------.
   /V\    | Tom Gilbert, London, England | http://linuxbrit.co.uk |
 /(   )\  | Open Source/UNIX consultant  | tom at linuxbrit.co.uk    |
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