[Gllug] A Bit KT7 and NT

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Tue Jun 26 11:04:23 UTC 2001

Hi all,

	Had a wonderful time last night after my Win98 decided that it was
adverse to booting on my PC. After several attempts I finally gave up and
had to make an emergency phone call. One thing led to another and I now have
NT on my machine (hopefully more reliable than 98). I have a backup of my OU
work because I was using raid on the PC but NT refuses to play ball and
insists on using the IDE channels. My question is how do I get NT to use the
A Bits Onboard Raid. I imagine I have probably got to get some drivers etc
but I am loath to try it and find that I am back at reinstalling. A little
Bird told me last night (Dean) that there is someone on this list who may
have done it and for the price of a few beers may be persuaded to sort it
for me.

	I have also been advised to get vmWare because it works a treat and
you can effectively rollback any fsck ups. Is there a special price if you
are a Student and does being a member of the OU count as one.

Harry Jackson.


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