[Gllug] Email Formats

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Wed Nov 21 17:49:12 UTC 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Hudson [mailto:home at alexhudson.com]
> Seriously, I know it's not very fashionable to like HMTL 
> email, but I do
> have very real requirements which HMTL email solves. It's not 
> as evil as
> most people seem to think.. 

I do not think that it is evil its the user who pulls the trigger. I have
read plenty of HTML mail and had no problems with it but if abused its
complete junk. I am not talking about the different mail clients I am
talking about how easy it is to read it. Some people do think that the more
colours and different fonts and styles they have makes it look great. Maybe
its an education problem but try taking the toys from the users and a war
would break out. They honestly think that doing all the flash stuff in mail
makes them look computer savvy.

What I would like is a subset of HTML to avoid the abuse where you could

A few different fonts
About four colours.
Background highlighting but only shades of grey

This would probably still wreak havoc amongst some browsers but at least I
would be safe from kaleidoscopic email.


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