[Gllug] 2U servers

Paul Brazier pbrazier at cosmos-uk.co.uk
Tue Nov 20 15:41:51 UTC 2001

> I'm looking to buy or build a 2 or 4 u server running linux 
> has any one got 
> any companies to recommend in the UK for either complete 
> servers or rack 
> mount cases

I've got stuff off Digital Networks www.dnuk.co.uk

I think they only do complete systems but I may be wrong.

They seem very helpful, they had a stall at the Linux show earlier in
the year, they do RedHat pre-installed for workstations, servers, etc.
You can order online, their website is very nicely laid out and designed
from a user perspective.

The only problem I've had was a server with a CPU cooling fan not fixed
on properly causing the computer to "die" soon after switching it on.
But a quick look inside and it was soon "resucitated". This might have
been a byproduct of them helpfully speeding the order through for us

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