[Gllug] new railtrack screens

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Tue Nov 13 14:17:37 UTC 2001

Jonathan Dye(jonathan.dye at automationpartnership.com)@Tue, Nov 13, 2001 at 01:30:10PM +0100:
> At 07:53 13/11/01 -0500, you wrote:
> >Run NT... I saw a couple booting at Birmingham yesterday. The screens are 
> >side on, to make them tall. I hope that doesn't mean they have one NT box 
> >per screen...
> I think they might do because they don't all go wrong together, I've seen
> individual ones reboot.  Saw them at Leeds about 6 months ago.
> Imagine the license costs of all those windows boxes!

ouch, that'd cost a lot.  hmm, im sure a business minded linux oporative
could put together a cheap bid for the services...

oh, and the real reason i responded, was to say they use similar MS
based tech in Stanstead airport.  


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