[Gllug] In windows I use X, how can I do this in Linux

Xander D Harkness xander at harkness.co.uk
Thu Nov 29 11:29:32 UTC 2001

This was mention a while ago - making a FAQ.  It seems someone has



DesktopLinux.com has today launched a new "frequently asked questions"
list targeting the needs of computer users who want to switch from
Windows to Linux as their desktop operating system. The "Win2LinFAQ"
will cover commonly asked questions about Linux and related applications
installation and configuration, application selection, data migration
issues, etc. Members of the Linux community are being asked to
contribute appropriate questions -- and answers -- to the project.

Here is the announcement of the Win2LinFAQ project from Rick Lehrbaum,
Executive Editor of DesktopLinux.com . . .

The Windows-to-Linux FAQ Project (a.k.a. "Win2LinFAQ")

OK folks, here's something we can work on together that hopefully will
benefit a great many computer users who would like to switch from
Windows to Linux for their desktop OS. Here's my idea of how it will
work . . .

    * Post a new thread (topic) in the Windows-to-Linux Migration Forum,
with a title of the form: "Win2LinFAQ: How do I blah blah blah . . . ? "
In your posting, clearly state some typical Windows-to-Linux migration
question and, if you have an answer, include your answer. Don't be shy
about posting questions that you think are common ones, even if you
don't know the answer.

    * Read the Win2LinFAQ postings that appear in the Windows-to-Linux
Migration Forum and add your answers or comments as REPLIES to the
particular thread (posting).

    * Your "Win2LinFAQ Editor" (that's me, at the moment) will edit the
posted Win2LinFAQ questions (and answers), and will collect the most
relevant ones into a main Win2LinFAQ document which will be continually
updated as new Win2LinFAQ question/answer postings appear.

OK? Great! So let's get started . . .

Best regards,

Rick Lehrbaum
Executive Editor, DesktopLinux.com

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