[Gllug] US Tax Laws

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Fri Nov 9 14:54:04 UTC 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: t.clarke [mailto:tim at seacon.co.uk]
> --
> Now I begin to understand.
> But surely there must be some kind of limit else all US 
> corporations would
> give the equivalent of all their tax due to charities and the 
> IRS would
> get sweet F.A.  ??

Is it not a set percentage of profit that you can give to charities, its
just that MS makes so much cash that they appear to be absurdly generous.
They give their product away claim it back on tax so the unsuspecting tax
payer pays for MS charity donations without knowing about it. Its very
clever. It would also be interesting to know when they made these charity
donations and which product they gave away. Would it not be interesting to
find that they gave away 100000 box sets of W95 just before or around W98
release etc so that they can get rid of the surplus stock. I would say that
if you where to dig deep enough you could amass a whole encyclopaedia's
worth of their honest but immoral dealings.

s/honest/legal/ as the two are not the same.

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