[Gllug] Kernel choices

Lee Blackwell lee_blackwell at eur.3com.com
Tue Oct 9 15:55:41 UTC 2001

> My laptop's running 2.4.10.  Seems fast and stable so far, but it just
> sits in X and reads mail occasionally.  No real test of swapping or
> high load.
My lappy runs 2.4.10 too, and I thrash it all day long, whether I'm
playing about with big files, perl scripts, or messing about in the GIMP
(instead of working, ahem).  Pretty much all of my work gets done on my
laptop, and I generally run KDE2.2, several copies of pine, MP3 player,
few Mozilla windows, displays exported from other Sun boxes, sync with
Palm, KOffice, blah blah blah

So far, everything is just fine and dandy.

I've got 2.4.9 running on another machine, providing NAT and filtering to
keep my private 192.168.1.x network separate from the corporate network.
Again - no problems here, except the dodgy on board NIC didn't want to
play.  But then, I doubt thats to do with the kernel.

I've got 2.4.9 in production on an internal (aka less important) server,
(nice big dual P2 HP LH-Pro) serving HTTP with apache, and around a 1Gb of
downloads.  No problems here, even with the SMP stuff switched on.

All of these boxes are RH7.0 based, with my lappy being upgraded with all
the bits and pieces so it matches RH7.1.



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