[Gllug] The BBC and Microsoft.

Paul Nasrat pnasrat at uk.now.com
Mon Oct 29 11:27:40 UTC 2001

On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 08:30:50AM -0000, robin.c.smith at bt.com wrote:
> >If the open source community were to offer a ready-made series on
> >computing, or to offer their advice and assistance to produce such a
> series,
> >I am sure that it would be accepted gladly, (although it is much more
> >difficult to produce good television programmes than most people think). It
> >might be worth including computer construction, set-up, use, and
> programming
> >information, after all it is a long time since the BBC produced the series
> >that introduced the public to computing with the "A", "B", and "Master"
> >series.
> I quite like this idea, has anyone got contacts with production companies?
> You could actually do this as a project and for profit.

*cough* I work for a tv station.

I'll speak to someone.


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