[Gllug] [wassacraic at hotmail.com: A possible award for Linus Torvalds!! Spread the message please!]

Tushar Joshi tjoshi at lonix.org.uk
Fri Oct 12 01:57:59 UTC 2001

----- Forwarded message from Greg Gillespie <wassacraic at hotmail.com> -----

I hope you can help and I hope you don't mind my writing to you "out of the 
blue" but I wanted to pass on a message to the linux community and I got 
your e-mail address from the linux.org site! I am a "fan" of Linux but not a 
great participator in the communities. However, I came across a site today 
that is the voting site for a major awards ceremony for technical innovation 
in the past 20 years.  It is MAJOR in that Bill Clinton and "His Highness 
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai" are attending 
(plus loads of other dignatories etc. - the full list is on 

The reason I am writing to you though, is that I voted on the software award 
and the nominations included Microskank and Linus Torvalds, but can you 
imagine my surprise when the results page came up with Microskank in first 
place with Linus a VERY close second! I think it is a disgrace that they 
should get this award for pumping out downright dodgy, faulty, overpriced 
software and that the brilliant ideals of Linus Torvalds should not be 
recognised for what they are!

Therefore I am asking you to PLEASE pass this message on to the rest of the 
Linux community (quickly as the voting closes in the next few days) and ask 
them to register and vote at www.stars.com/stars-2001

I DO NOT work for PC magazine or any of the promoters! I work for a training 
centre in Letterkenny, Ireland.

Please help Linus get his proper recognition!
Greg Gillespie

----- End forwarded message -----

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