[Gllug] updating red hat

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Wed Oct 31 00:40:26 UTC 2001

On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, tet at accucard.com stipulated:
> The only real mistake they made was in calling it 2.96, when it should
> probably have been called 2.95-RH or similar. And from what I've heard,

2.96-RH would have been a better name; it was very different from 2.95.

> that was mostly caused by a miscommunication among the people involved.

That's about right, yes. Everyone thought that someone else was changing
the version number ;)

> Given how many RH staff are responsible for maintaining gcc, I'd say
> they're pretty justified in choosing to use a particular version...

Yes, but that doesn't stop the rest of us grouching about it, especially
when it goes out with the wrong bug-reporting address (although that
*was* fixed very fast; the first erratum, I think)... :)

Now *that* mistake *was* a simple miscommunication.

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