[Gllug] Project Management and the like

David Irvine co2cool at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 23 18:24:45 UTC 2001

Hi  guys.

I've been looking around for a web  based system that  allows me to
manage  my projects, accounts, clients and the like. What i'm aiming for
is a system  in which i can put all  my clients details.  Details of
current projects i'm undertaking  and which clients are involved with
the project. Tasks and subtasks of each  project and that sort of thing.

I then  want to be  able to invoice a client, and record when the
invoice was  paid.  I  want to be  able to log calls from clients (and
ticket them) 

I also aim to be able to view the client screen  and see notes which are
client specific, ie client called regarding this, but also notes which 
are project specific, for example client reported bug with X and the
followups to that call.

I want the same thing for projects,  i want to  be  able to see things
that are project specific  but also appear in  clients section etc.

So far i can find things which manage bugs, and projects but  not the
bigger picture.  

The other thing i  need to do is have the system  store files, i want
to  be able to log in from location X upload a patch etc, and download
it anywhere else, i  want to be able to que patches and the like to  be
merged and  then merge them online etc.  

Theres a lot of i wants there but what i'm  really looking for is
something which i can start to develop into such a system I'm sure
theres plenty around which are  in early development that i can  adapt
to my needs.

The other stipulation is that its written in perl as a cgi application.

Anybody got any  hints?

Many thanks in advance


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