[Gllug] StarOffice

Bruce Richardson itsbruce at uklinux.net
Tue Oct 23 16:54:03 UTC 2001

On 10/23/01, 4:40:18 PM, "Jackson, Harry" <HJackson at colt-telecom.com> wrote 
regarding [Gllug] StarOffice:

> Hi all

> In my attempts to get away from MS I have downloaded StarOffice 5.2

I recommend doing a network installation, then.  This means installing it 
as root to a central location.  Then as each user you run set-up and it 
just creates the data directory in your home.  This is preferable even if 
you are the only user on the machine - it means that if you mess up you 
can just nuke the ~/office52 directory and start again without having to 
reinstall the entire package.  IIRC you do this by running the 
installation binary with /net or -net.  Then for each user you run the 
setup script in the /installation-path/program/ directory.

ISTR some people were complaining on the list that staroffice only runs 
as the person who installed it.  They probably missed this poorly 
documented step.



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