[Gllug] Getting a rpm file list

tet at accucard.com tet at accucard.com
Wed Oct 31 09:00:42 UTC 2001

>Can anyone point me to a utility/how-to that will let me generate a
>files list for rpm from the old configure,make ,make install process.

	find / -print | sort > /tmp/files.before
	make install
	find / -print | sort > /tmp/files.after
	diff /tmp/files.before /tmp/files.after

It's crude, slow, and buggy. It'll miss a number of files in some
cases, and on a multiuser system, you'll probably get some false
positives. It requires root access. You'll need to hand edit the list
to remove things like /tmp/files.before (or you could just do some
cleverness to avoid it being there in the first place). Generally, it
sucks! But the basic principle will do what you want.

If you know where the files are being installed, you can just search
those places rather than the whole filesystem, which should make it
run faster. But then you run the risk of missing something that isn't
installed where you expect it to be.

Of course, a better approach might be something like a shim library
library that trapped the appropriate calls, and printed you out a list
of files created and/or modified:

	LD_PRELOAD=libfilesnoop.so make install

But someone would need to write one first :-)


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