[Gllug] Multiligual computers

Walid walidshaari at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 24 18:20:55 UTC 2001

if it Linux, then Mandrake, and probably suse should be your answer, I use
Mandrake default Installation to write in Arabic, which is a subset of the
Persian, and Urdu character set, but I know that the Persians have been working
in i18l for linux long time ago before the Arabs, the keyboard driver I believe
has unicode support in it, and kde 3.0.0 is a Multilingual desktop that does a
better job using a unicode, I do not have the links at the moment but if that
what you were asking; I will be happy to check my notes later!

another solution which I hate to say! is W2k with its unicode support; it works
well for me, better than Linux, but not for long hopefully.   :)

What I was missing is using Arabic in the desktop; but now with QT 3, and the
KDE implementation it is becoming possible.

 --- Chris Bell <chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk> wrote: >    A friend who comes
from London is trying to learn French, and would like
> a computer which is capable of working in English and French.
>    A couple from Hong Kong running a local business (importing computer
> cases) would be interested in a computer which could work in English,
> Cantonese, and Mandarin.
>    Other friends from Africa, India, Pakistan, and Persia (before it became
> Iran) living and/or working in West London would be interested in English
> and a selection of other languages.
>    Has anyone had experience of doing this, with different languages,
> keyboard layouts or overlays, etc? Would it be easier with separate
> computers? I am OK with English, not very good with French and German, and
> totally useless with other languages.
> -- 
> Chris Bell
> -- 
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walid at melinux.com

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