[Gllug] X on RH 7.1

Andy Loates andy at the-bizz.demon.co.uk
Wed Oct 31 23:14:10 UTC 2001

Many thanks for the tips. Used a combination of both methods to sort it.

Read the ESR HOW-TO, but as I use XFree86 4.0.3 which was pointed out on the
site automatically sets the modes, I fiddled with The Screen res selections.

At 1152x864 the used screen area got smaller still. Then tried 1280x1024,
which works perfectly after a little tweaking of the Monitor controls. Funny
thing is this is a ratio of 5:4 not 4:3 as all standard setups I have seen.
Incedently the monitor also dual boots into Win98 at 1024x768 perfectly.

Anyway now i've played around with KDE settings I now have a seriously good
desktop with acres more real estate than i satrted with. Time for a beer to

----- Original Message -----
From: <tet at accucard.com>
To: <gllug at linux.co.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Gllug] X on RH 7.1

> >The problem I have is that I seem to have a large area of screen that is
> >used when a set the screen res to 1024x768. This happens on both machines
> >but is fine when using 800x600.
> Two options:
> 1. Fix it by resizing the screen on the monitor. The ADI will remember
>    different settings for different resolutions.
> 2. Fix it with xvidtune, and insert the resulting modeline into your
>    XF86Config. Not for the faint hearted, and I'd recommend reading
>    and understanding ESR's video timing HOWTO first:
>        http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/XFree86-Video-Timings-HOWTO/
>    That said, it's well worth reading anyway, even if you go for the
>    easy route of adjusting the monitor. Constructing your own modelines
>    can give quite a buzz, particularly when your colleages ask what
>    resolution you're running at, and you can give them a wierd answer
>    like 1244x934 (which I used for a while to get extra screen real
>    estate on a monitor that couldn't handle 1280x1024 at a high enough
>    refresh rate).
> Tet
> --
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