[Gllug] NTL wireless broadband

Jake Jellinek jj at positive-internet.com
Sat Oct 6 10:29:33 UTC 2001

> On Fri, 5 Oct 2001, Jake Jellinek wrote:
>> "If you are in the following
>> post code areas, you are serviceable now:
>> W10, W11, W12, W9, W14, W6, W4, SW6, SW13, SW15, SW14, TW9, TW1, TW7 W6,
>> W14, W8, SW5, SW7, SW3, SW1, SW10, SW6. SW11, SW8, SW4, SW9, SW2, SW12"
> hmm, i am.  an they told me they didnt have coverage in my area.

Yeah, I think they were saying, if you've already been told you can get it 
and live in one of these areas, you should already be servicable. *shrug*.

Are you saying that they are going to need to install a large TV-style 
antennae on the house to pick this stuff up? They seem very loathe to 
provide any details at all, they could at least send something in the post 
to us "trialists".

I don't actually need the service anyway of course, I have all the 
connectivity I need, but I'm curious to see how well it's all going to 
work, and I enjoy going from a frustrated modem user without any viable low 
cost broadband options, to now having the option of cheaper ADSL,cheap 
Cable modem or now this wireless. For us SW Londoners, things are starting 
to look a little better these days!


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