[Gllug] Underclocking an Athlon

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Tue Oct 2 08:00:18 UTC 2001

On Mon 01 Oct, John Edwards made the following spurious claims:

> As the big Athlons have a habit of being as hot as a burning coals 
> when running in a small machine, is there any way to UNDERclock them 
> (eg running a 1.4GHz at 1.2GHz) ?
> I would rather have a 10% slower machine than a dead machine.

Of course, in the same way you overclock.

I have a 1.4 GHz Athlon and it's usually somewhere around 45-47
degrees C.

There was a good story on Tom's Hardware recently about what happens
when you remove the heat sink from modern processors.  The Intel range
just clock down until they get to a safe temperature.  The Athlons
give you about one minute's grace before they start to smoke and
destroy themselves.  Tom recommends checking your heat sink monthly
and I would add every time you move the machine.


Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>

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