[Gllug] Tossing my cookies

Kieran Barry kieran at esperi.demon.co.uk
Fri Oct 19 13:29:53 UTC 2001

On Fri, 19 Oct 2001, David Damerell wrote:

> On , 19 Oct 2001, John Hearns wrote:
> >In this article it says that 85% of the NHS software budget
> >goes to Microsoft. Grrrrr.... they should be spending this money
> >on software to treat sick people...
> There is a lot of effort amongst doctors to move towards free software
> - not just because of the cost aspects, but because of the need for
> quality control.
This is pure opinion, etc etc, but....

If what Ross Anderson is saying is true, the NHS Executive will fight
them tooth and nail.

I mean, clearly it is in the interest of the patients to send all NHS
mail through the NHSnet gateway, and the wait 4 years for it. Similarly,
it's a good idea to spend 85% of your software budget on a single


What they should do...

The NHS must spend a fortune on MSware. Tell them to cut the price in
half, or you'll move away completely. Tell them that the NHS is one of
the world's ten largest organisations, and will give free software real
credibility on the desktop.

Loop every two years.



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