[Gllug] Linux USB ADSL drivers: how stable?

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Fri Oct 12 22:10:37 UTC 2001

On Fri 12 Oct, gllug at codex.net made the following spurious claims:

> out of interest, does HC tie you in to a long contract?
> and apart from the speed, how do you rate it?

Yeah it's a 12 month contract.  The speed is actually good for the
price.  20 a month for 115k.  Works perfectly with any OS since it's
just ppp over serial.  I've had next to no problems in the 10 months
I've had it.  I think there were two days when it didn't work.

The video on demand service is actually pretty damn good.  The pricing
is close to the pricing of a video shop and you don't have to go to
the shop twice.  Getting anything when you want it changes your
attitude to viewing quite a bit.  Kinda like my first experience of
SMTP email where it happened almost instantly (as opposed to
Fight-O-Net echomail and nodemail which took weeks).

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>

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