[Gllug] World trade centre

Allen Wayne Wayne.Allen at rhul.ac.uk
Tue Sep 11 15:41:37 UTC 2001

-----Original Message-----
From: Xander D Harkness [mailto:xander at harkness.co.uk]
Sent: 11 September 2001 15:51
To: gllug at linux.co.uk
Subject: Re: [Gllug] World trade centre

Any one read 'Executive Orders' written by Tom Clancy  - it sets out the
whole plot.
Sitting here readinf 'The Bear and the Dragon' (His newest) and yes have the
same ideas.... virtually everything that has occured has appeared in at
least one clancy book...

Interesting though...

If Bush is flying back from florida....does his plane get shot down????

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