[Gllug] Quote of the day for September 28, 2001

Gordon Joly gordon.joly at pobox.com
Fri Sep 28 11:21:54 UTC 2001

  Hagerling, who took a two-hour leave of absence from Treasury to attend
  the breakfast so he could speak unofficially, said the department would
  rush to get Microsoft Windows XP installed throughout. Agencies should
  dispense with their fear of XP as a new operating system, he said.

  "XP is not a new OS. It is a fix of Windows 2000 with its operational
  and security issues," Hagerling said. But, he added, because XP is not a
  trusted OS, Treasury would be using trusted versions of Sun Microsystems
  Solaris for sensitive applications.

  - Government Computer News (www.gcn.com), 9/17/2001, about 24 hours
    before the "Nimda" worm propagated through thousands of sites
    running Microsoft operating systems, including www.microsoft.com.
    Don Hagerling is the CTO of the U.S. Treasury Department.

    [The submitter notes: Are there any NON-sensitive applications at
    the Treasury Department?

     Submitted by: Rich Kulawiec
                   Sep. 27, 2001
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Gordon Joly//////////
gordon.joly at pobox.com

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