[Gllug] OT: Lets bomb some islamic extremists. (fwd)

Formi rcarrera at formi.org.uk
Wed Sep 12 10:57:05 UTC 2001

 Lets praise mighty $ God.

 First I do not agree in any way with the attacks to the US.

 But he who plays with fire ends up burned.

 The US has been doing lots of wrongs in the name of the $, and the US is
 the most powerfull country on earth, now some people might be thinking
 they are receiving something back.

 I mean

  - the atomic bombs dropped in Japan,
  - the war with Vietnam,
  - the Iraq affair,
  - the messing around with the old USSR,
  - the financing of dictators in Latin America,
  - the slightly questinable backing of Israel against the palestines,
  - the CIA backing afgans with intelligence and arms against Russia,
  - the explotation by multinationals of children in third world
    countries, and their parents,
  - the oppresion of Cuba,
  - the destruction of green places aroud the planet for oil and
    wood, minerals and anything that can be sold.
  - the killing of large numbers of north american natives,
  - the no small amount of unnecesary pollution,
  - the bullying of small countries, like the crashing of banana producing
    countries in Latin America,
  - the disrespect for poor people anywhere, even if you are an US
    citizen, if you have no money you get no medical treatment.
  - the investigation in chemical warfare,
  - the allowing multinationals to behave in morably questionable ways,
  - the selling of arms to anybody with a couple of $$,
  - the spying of everything that happens, Echeleon, i.e.

    ... I have the feeling that I am missing something.

  Now, some of the points stated above do apply to all western or
  capitalist countries. But most only apply to the bully Uncle Sam,

  A big part of the US population seems not to care about what their
  government does with their taxes. Half of them voted for some green
  intelligent texan. Or how their $$ end up arriving at their bank
  accounts, or how they spend them.

  And at the end of the day, our $$ keep us safe from the people or
  countries we mess around with.

  What a surprise, all that money given to the military boys and the CIA,
  didn't stop a few lunatics having a joy ride with our planes. Not to
  mention all those fellow citizens who end up mad, and kill everything
  that crosses their way.

  About the plonkers in the Pentagon, I have not much simpathy for them.

  The performance of little puppy Blair was a laugh. Anyqay we are
  quite powerless to do anything against those so politicians.

  The response, allright lets bomb some afgans or islamic extremists,
  brute force solves everything, just look where we have ended.

  Capitalism kills more people than guns. The difference between big fat
  capitalists and those so called terrorists is that the second ones do it
  directly, faster, kill less people and face the chance of being

  They point the finger to that mad religious leader in Afganistan, who is
  quite  rich, do I see some similarity between the two sides here?.
  I don't really know where the money came from, but I would bet from
  providing drugs to western countries. I think I read that the man and
  his buddies know a bit about computing, seems extrange to me that they
  didn't send a reminder to Bill Gates.

  Well, you know, we are all guilty, some more than others, unless you
  have never touched the evil metal.

  Some people prefer money and others religion. Both can be used for good
  causes. The others you know ...

  What I do regret about it is that is quite easy to opt out of religion,
  but not out of the money system. Now they are moaning about the dead
  people, I wonder how long before they start worrying about the dosh
  they have lost.

  Funnily enough there is an armament fair going on in London, I
  think it was in the Docklands, not sure, and as usuall overwhelming
  amounts of riot police abused the few protesters.

  They try to make us believe that the goverment is the people's.

  But as long as you don't protest or complain.
  The media reports are pathetic, what can you expect from the

  To end, maybe I will not turn up at the next GLLUG meeting, too many
  paranoid eyes spying the emails.

  You were talking about the billenium party, remenber the prediction
  of Nostradamus. The man was mostly right.

    If anybody feels offended, were all entitled to different opinions.


  P.D.: Remenber the Oklahoma bombing?, they pointed the finger to
  the islamic extremists, and it turned up that a fellow citizen
  had done it. I just wonder....

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