[Gllug] Westell ADSL Modem supported?

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Tue Apr 9 18:42:41 UTC 2002

Does anyone know if the Westell WireSpeed 36R305 is supported under
Linux?  I've found some tantalising hints to the affirmative around
the net but nothing definitive: I think the hints may be referring to
an ethernet version but this one has a USB interface.

Is it possible that it's a re-badged Alcatel?  I'm moving on the
weekend and would like to use the existing ADSL.  The modem was
free so I'm willing to buy one if necessary.

PS: I tried to search the archive of gllug but there's not search
engine.  Can whoever runs linux.co.uk set up ht://dig?

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>
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