[Gllug] Bandwidth shaping

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Wed Apr 3 12:33:17 UTC 2002

Rev Simon Rumble(simon at rumble.net)@Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 11:36:49AM +0100:
> I'm trying to get my head around bandwidth shaping.  It's really doing
> my head in.
> Okay so it seems you can only control outbound traffic and the aim of
> any shaping algorithm is to get the packet queuing to happen in a
> queue over which you have control.


> So would it be possible to use a loopback network connection to begin
> controlling inbound bandwidth?  Alternatively, if you have a machine
> running as a router between your computer and the Net connection,
> could you get it to shape the incoming traffic?

not quite.
if you've got a dual nic'd machine then you could shape the traffic that
you send from the outside world, into your network.  on then internal
nic's side.  but you'll still get packets sent from the outside world to
your external interface at whatever priorities your ISP has configured.

> I don't think I'm the only one who has little interest in controlling
> outbound bandwidth and lots of interest in ensuring I can still ssh
> into my machine even though a big download is occurring.

true, it's a nice idea, but you either need upstream support from your
providers.  Or, have an OOB methos for communicating with the box.  like
for example another uplink to the internet which is never used or
advertised, but for which you know how to connect to.

alternatively, have a look at the ingres qdisc for the shaper.  i'm not
really sure how it can work.

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