[Gllug] vmware ate my floppy drive

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Mon Apr 29 16:49:41 UTC 2002

Disclaimer: My copy of VMWare is currently broken: has a panic every
time I try to run it on my heavily patched kernel.  Haven't tracked it
down yet.  I also don't have a floppy drive...

On Mon 29 Apr, Sarah Ewen bloviated thus:

> I'm having fun trying to get vmware to let go of the floppy drive so
> that I can mount it under linux. I'm running windows inside vmware on
> linux, and short of having to shutdown windows and close vmware, can't 
> seem to find a way to get the floppy working under linux at the same time. 

Under the Devices menu in VMWare, you should be able to disable that
device.  With other devices like sound and the CDROM drive, you can do
exactly that.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>
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