[Gllug] Dillo and Skipstone

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Sun Aug 18 20:09:55 UTC 2002

On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, mallum muttered drunkenly:
> Last time I checked it opens 'overide redirected' windows ( windows
> outside of the wm's control - usually used for pop up menus etc ) on
> top of the term. It has a lookup table with various X Terminal types
> in it to get the offsets right etc. It really is very scary. 

The only table of X terminal types I can find is in term.c, and that's
used for mouse control rather than images.

OverrideRedirected windows are used nowhere; nor is substructure
redirection (which really should be selectable by multiple clients on a
single window IMNSHO). However, it's almost that bloody ugly.

The code is in w3mimgdisplay.c: it gets the current window ID off the
root window from either the WINDOWID env var or from XGetInputFocus() if
that's unset, uses XQueryTree() on that window to find a subwindow of
roughly the right size to be the text area (greater than 7/10ths the
size of the window proper), compensates for the presence of a scrollbar
in that window using hideous deep magic, then writes into that.

You may be sick now.

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