[Gllug] Vim question

Jonathan Harker jon at jonathanharker.co.uk
Fri Aug 9 12:02:32 UTC 2002

On Friday 09 August 2002 11:15, John Hearns wrote:
> Can I ask a vim expert please how to stop vim
> colourising things? It drives me crazy - I would
> want it just to act like vi.
> I have RTFMs a little, but can't figure this one
> out. Apologies in advance if the answer is obvious.

Well obviously you must be a complete idiot. If you had done a quick Google 
search you'd have found how to go :syntax off but instead you demonstrate how 
stupid you are by asking people on the list. God, it's tough being so 
interminably clever when everyone else is just so stupid.  :-)

Luv Jon

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