[Gllug] ADSL (and DHCP) woes

chris.wareham at btopenworld.com chris.wareham at btopenworld.com
Mon Dec 30 20:07:47 UTC 2002

Last weekend I trod on my BT supplied modem (the fish shaped thing),  completely buggering it up in the process. Not a problem, as I'd been looking for an excuse to relace it with a non-USB one for a while.

So I've now got a D-Link DSL-300G . Quite neat in principle, just plug it into an ADSL filter and connect an ethernet cable from it to the computer. Configuration is via a couple of web pages, no proprietary or Windows only guff.

But ... it uses DHCP to assign an address, netmask, gateway, etc. to the connected computer. Works flawlessly on the Windows XP machine my girlfriend owns, but I can't get it going under NetBSD. I've created a dhclient.conf file as described in the manual pages, and it gets the address from the modem. But my networking setup looks entirely different under NetBSD than it does on Windows.

Under Windows, the computer has the address assigned by BT Openworld, which seems strange. I expected the computer to have a 192.168.0.* address, and to use (the modem's address) for both gateway and name server. Or the DHCP stuff would setup the correct nameservers.

So has anyone used this ethernet modem with Linux? I'm at a loss as to what to do. I don't want to dual home a Windows machine and stick my network behind that ...


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