[Gllug] Recovering a RH6.2 system with a corrupt RPM database

Xander D Harkness xander at harkness.co.uk
Wed Dec 4 11:05:34 UTC 2002

John Winters wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 09:43, John Hearns wrote:
>>On 4 Dec 2002, John Winters wrote:
>>>One of my customers has a RH 6.2 system on which the RPM database has
>>>become corrupted.  Each time any reference to the ppp package is
>>>made using the rpm tool, the tool crashes with a segmentation fault.
>>The man page suggests rpm --initdb 
> Neither the man page nor "Maximum RPM" is entirely clear on what
> --initdb and --rebuilddb are meant to do.  My reading is that --initdb
> creates a new, empty database and --rebuilddb tries to re-build the
> existing one.  I'm not sure what is meant by re-build - the only thing I
> can think of is that it's meant to be like an e2fsck for rpm databases.
> Presumably if one builds a new one with --initdb there is no way of then
> populating it to match an existing installation.
Here again I would use the RHN package listing if you have your machine 
registered on RHN you could then do an up2date --justdb sort of thing.

Kind regards
> John

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A:	One-third less calories than a regular year.

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